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Preparing Your Commercial Roof for Winter

Preparing Your Commercial Roof for Winter

Fall is almost here, and then before you know it, winter will be, too. When it comes to keeping the community safe, everything needs to be prepared for ice and snow, including streets and rooftops. Preparing for winter is crucial to the health of your commercial roof. Stopping problems prior to winter is the ideal way to not only prevent frustrations but also save money in the long run. The following are tips and tricks for preparing your commercial roof for winter.  

Make an Appointment for an Inspection During Fall

Before a considerable amount of snow falls and accumulates, schedule a roof inspection. This will provide you with information regarding current issues as well as possible future problems with your roof. Keep in mind, many manufacturers require inspections to keep your roof’s warranty. An inspection will include an evaluation of the longevity of the roof, pictures, and recommendations for repairs and replacements. It is crucial to know which repairs to make before the arrival of winter. 

Make Repairs Prior to Winter

You cannot make roof repairs in the snow. That is just the cold hard facts. Repairs that are ignored during fall will only get worse during the winter. Leaks should be the top priority on a list of repairs because cracks will grow due to the re-freeze cycle. Big amounts of snow and ice make it more difficult to get to the areas that need fixed. Even more so, there are specific types of roofing equipment that must be kept warm during installation. Save yourself a nuisance by making an appointment for repairs once you need them. 

Clean Your Roof

The upkeep of your commercial roof during fall is one of the most critical things you need to do. Begin by getting rid of all the vegetation that has gathered on the roof. Vegetation traps water and as a result, damage occurs through the build-up of pressure. Clear out the roof drains to stop water from pooling on warmer days. When drains are clogged, there is a higher possibility that ice dams and dangerous icicles will form. 

Check out the Surroundings

Look at the trees that are close to your commercial roof. If you notice branches from trees hanging over the roof, make an appointment for a local tree removal service to trim them. Branches can trigger roof penetration when they break off the tree due to the weight of the snow and ice. Also, if your building is near a commercial building that is taller than yours, your roof will be at a higher risk of developing snowdrifts. 

Develop a Snow Removal Plan

Depending on how much snow your area typically gets, you might need rooftop snow removal services during winter. You would not have to worry about removing a couple of inches of snow build-up after a small storm; however, ice and wet snow weigh a lot more than fresh snow which needs more attention. It is usually a smart choice to get rid of snow once it reaches six inches. Penetration is at risk when there is too much weight on the roofing membrane. Furthermore, the freeze and thaw cycle will damage the roofing membrane and pipes even more. When developing your snow removal plan, look for a company that specializes in removing snow off commercial roofs. It is very dangerous if you attempt to remove the snow yourself, and it can damage the roof membrane and cause more problems. It is important to leave this work to the professionals. 

Repairing a roof can be overwhelming, but even more so can replacing one. Inspecting your commercial roof is crucial and so is fixing the current issues. To save you headaches, worry, and money, repairing your roof with PolyArmor will help you breathe in some fresh air. PolyArmor is a simple liquid coating that is used on commercial roofs to help maintain and repair current issues for commercial buildings. It not only saves building owners a lot of money, but it also extends the roof’s service life by 10 to 20 years as well as its warranty. Applying this solution during the fall will prevent frustrations during and after winter guaranteed. 

PolyArmor is Dedicated to Your Roofing Needs

Preparing your commercial roof for winter should be the number one thing on your fall to-do list. PolyArmor is here to help keep your roof functioning throughout winter and beyond. We are committed to making sure your building is protected from the harsh elements that winter can bring. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to have your roof inspected before it’s too late. 

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