Alternative to TPO

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Alternative to TPO

Before deciding whether to replace or repair a roof, every business owner should do a little research of their own. A professional needs to assess the current roof and depending on what kind of shape the roof is in, the building manager will need to make that overwhelming, stressful decision. Should a major investment be taken out of the current budget to replace the roof entirely, or should they save 40 to 50% by using a liquid coating that covers the current roof and add an additional 15 to 20 years of service life? Talking to a few contractors to find out what they recommend, why they recommend it, and an estimate for the work can help building owners determine what route they want to take. 

A Quick Review about TPO

When replacing a commercial building roof altogether, TPO is one option that building managers can choose from. TPO, or thermoplastic polyolefin, is quickly becoming one of the most used commercial roofing systems on the market. It is a rubber roof made from a single layer of synthetics and reinforcing scrim that is used for flat and semi-flat roofs. Fillers are typically used when manufacturing TPO, including fiberglass, talc, and carbon fiber. There are many factors that can determine the cost of installing a TPO roof, but it is known to be practical and cost-effective. It is also energy-efficient due to the bright white material that helps reflect UV rays and heat away from the building.

There is no denying that people care about the cost of things they purchase. After all, they are making an investment and want to make sure it is worthwhile. The affordable price of TPO is one main reason why it is a top choice for commercial buildings. TPO is also durable and flexible, allowing it to resist the buildup of dirt, debris, bacteria, and algae, as well as fight against punctures, tears, and damage that can happen from impact. Right now, building managers can expect a TPO roofing system to last 10 to 20 years. 

On the other hand, if after researching the cost of replacing a roof entirely is still daunting, building managers should consider PolyArmor. PolyArmor is a seamless fluid application that can be applied to nearly any type of commercial roof for roof maintenance or repair. It is a monolithic recovery membrane which creates a seamless membrane that safeguards against heavy foot traffic, standing water, and tough environmental conditions that Mother Nature can bring. It also extends the life of the current roof for an additional 15 to 20 years. When using PolyArmor, business owners are making the decision to keep their commercial roof well-maintained, and as a result, the roof can last many years past its original warranty period.

Try PolyArmor; An Alternative to TPO

By choosing to use PolyArmor, the choice is being made to restore the roof instead of replacing it. This saves business owners money, stress, time consuming tear-offs, as well as avoid any unexpected problems. Saving money is always a top priority for business owners. By waiting to replace the roof completely, they are freeing up capital that can be utilized for other business-related costs. Yet something else that draws the attention of business owners to PolyArmor is the fact that when used in a commercial application, they may qualify for a 100% tax deduction the first year.

TPO is not Environmentally-Friendly

Although TPO has many benefits, there are some cons. When replacing a commercial roof completely, the current roofing materials, such as TPO, must go somewhere. Unfortunately, that place is the landfill, which is not environmentally friendly. However, when using PolyArmor, business owners do not have to worry about damaging the environment since it is a coating that is placed over the current roof. There is no tearing off materials when PolyArmor is the chosen option.

TPO Can’t Always Last It’s Maximum Life

Even though the average cost of labor for TPO is on the lower end compared to other roofing materials and installation is quick and easy, it also means business owners will be charged to have their current roof removed. This means more manpower and added work time, whereas PolyArmor requires less labor because the current roof is not removed. Unlike TPO, PolyArmor does not require adhesives or fastening, as well as hot welding seams together. Therefore, less tools can be used. As mentioned before, TPO can last 10 to 20 years, but some formulations may not last too far past the 10-year mark, whereas PolyArmor is guaranteed to add an additional 15 to 20 years.

Choose PolyArmor Over TPO Roofing

TPO has many advantages and is a popular choice for commercial building roofs. However, if business owners are looking to really save money and not worry about dipping too deep into their budget, then PolyArmor is the best choice. Not only can they save up to 50% by restoring instead of re-roofing, but business owners can also expect a long-term guarantee that they can count on.

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