Commercial Roof Restoration

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Commercial Roof Restoration

There are some things in life that have a clear-cut solution, then there are other things that fall in the gray area. As a building manager of a facility or a commercial property owner, roof replacement versus roof repair may be one of those gray areas. It is not always easy to know which route to take, but one thing is for sure, being unprepared for a roof replacement is a position no commercial property owner wants to be in. A roof replacement is a major investment that is expensive; therefore, roof restoration is one option that should be taken into consideration

Roof restoration is more involved than making simple roof repairs, but it is not as expensive or involved as replacing the entire roof. The process of roof restoration prolongs a roof’s lifespan for commercial or industrial buildings that have a low slope single ply or steep slope metal roof systems. This process involves adding a liquid coating to the roof that completely encapsulates the roof’s surface with a seamless, reflective, and impermeable coating.

Costs Less Than a New Roof

Commercial roof restoration may not be the solution for every situation, but there are numerous benefits to restoration when compared to an entire roof replacement. One of those benefits is that it does cost less than a complete roof replacement. The process of a roof restoration requires a decreased amount of labor since the current roof is not being removed. Even though there is a price for the roof coating, it is not as much as paying for new insulation, cover boards, membrane, and accessories.

Prolongs the Life of Your Roof

Roof restoration also prolongs the life of commercial roofing systems. On average, a commercial roof has a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years. However, a restoration project could add an additional 10-20 years to a roof’s life, but only if a company that provides quality workmanship is hired and the coating is given the right maintenance. There are some cases where a restored roof can be restored and therefore can further put off a complete roof replacement.

Energy Saving Benefits

By completing a roof restoration project, a roof’s surface will be given a watertight coating that can prevent leaks and decrease the need for roof repairs. That is a top priority for many building managers and property owners.  

Most commercial building owners are ecstatic to learn that roof restorations have the capability of reducing energy bills. Roof restoration offers solar reflectivity and emissivity qualities that can improve the energy efficiency of a building. Energy costs should decrease, and the roof restoration could also prolong the life of the HVAC equipment since the extremely reflective surface decreases the heat in the building. 


Finally, roof restorations are more friendly to the environment than a complete roof replacement. When an entire roof is replaced, all the current roofing materials are removed which creates a lot of landfill waste. On the other hand, since roof restoration lengthens the service life of a roof, it will be a long time before the materials from an entire replacement needs to be added to a landfill. 

There are many benefits to roof restorations; however, the main thing to keep in mind is that this process can prevent spending a lot of money on a new roof. It extends the life of the current roof for many years, allowing commercial property owners to focus on other areas that may require upgrades that cannot be put off.

Roof the Smart Way

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