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The Importance of Maintaining Your Commercial Flat Roof

The Importance of Maintaining Your Commercial Flat Roof

Problems such as standing water, blistering, splitting, and ridging are common issues for a building or facility with a flat roof. When they occur, these issues can cost hundreds, even thousands, of dollars to repair to ensure it is structurally sound and completely functional. It is crucial to perform regular, routine roof maintenance to not only save money but to also extend the roof’s lifespan. 

There are a variety of certain things building owners and managers can do to maintain a flat roof and prevent problems from occurring. The following are maintenance tips that will help prevent a flat roof from developing issues. 

Install Correct Drainage

When a flat roof gets an accumulation of standing water, it can be difficult to properly drain it. As a result of a heavy downpour or melting snow, huge puddles or ponds of water can develop if there is not a proper drainage system. When this occurs, flat roof ponding can happen and cause major damage to not only the roof but also to the inside of the building if the roof fails. 

The right drainage system can decrease the chance that water will begin to form puddles on the flat roof and cause issues. The issues are prevented since the water is not sitting on the roof and is instead directed away from it. Examples of correct drainage on a flat roof are:

  • Installing hoppers along the sides of the roof to gather unwanted water as it accumulates
  • Installing automatic pumps in parts of the roof where water is more likely to gather
  • Placing gutters or drains along the edge of the roof

Eradicate Snow, Leaves, and Other Debris That Gathers on the Roof

When snow, leaves, and other debris accumulate and remain on a flat roof, major damage can occur over time. Damage happens when snow begins to melt, or water gets stuck under leaves and debris. When this occurs, a variety of issues can develop such as ponding and blistering. 

When snow, leaves, and debris are removed prior to becoming problematic, it can dramatically decrease the chances of issues happening. Having a roof maintenance plan that involves regularly scheduled cleaning and debris removal can greatly help. 

Check and Maintain Trees and Vegetation Around the Roof Area

Buildings with flat roofs that have trees, shrubs, and other types of vegetation growing around the roof can create problems. For instance, branches hanging over the roof can scratch and damage the roof when it is windy. Leaves can also fall onto the roof causing drainage problems. By maintaining the trees and other vegetation, you are extending the lifespan of your roof because it gets rid of the potential for future problems. 

It is suggested that about a 3-foot clearance be kept regarding tree branches. This allows enough room for the tree to grow without it creating damage to the roof or letting leaves cause drainage issues by always falling or dropping onto the roof. 

By completing these regular maintenance steps, you can save time and money because it stops problems from occurring that can lead to major damage. These major damages could then require costly roofing repairs or even a new roof. 

You may not always notice damages in time to simply fix them, or there may be so many issues that repairing them one by one can be an expensive investment. Whatever the case, PolyArmor has the solution for you. PolyArmor is a one-step fix to current damages and protection against future problems.  It’s a win-win for every business owner looking to save money and extend the life of their roof by 10 to 20 years. Contact PolyArmor today to learn more about the benefits and how it is the best option on the market!

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